We study how gene regulation has shaped human evolution, phenotypes and diseases

Exploring the genetic changes that made us human
Dr. David Gokhman
Principal Investigator

Uncovering what makes us human. Particularly interested in the gene regulatory changes that underlie human-specific traits and diseases. My focus is on our closest extinct (Neanderthal and Denisovan) and extant (chimp and bonobo) relatives.
Can never resist an opportunity to swim or kayak with whales. Love hiking, snorkeling, woodworking, gardening and cat/dog-raising.
Dr. Simon Fishilevich
Senior Bioinformatician

I am fascinated with the human genome, specifically with discovering functional aspects of its non-coding regulatory parts, such as promoters and enhancers. I enjoy integrating and analyzing biomedical data to drive discovery in the fields of human genetics, evolution and gene regulation.
Proud and tired parent of two cute monsters, shower philosopher & Netflix fan. Love to travel and hang out with my family.
Adi Rozenblatt
Research Associate

I’m fascinated by the diverse realms of biology, especially from a genetics and molecular perspective. I’m intrigued by how small changes at the molecular level can have a significant impact on our lives across various fields.
I'm a proud mother to an amazing daughter and two adorable dogs. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, baking spending quality time with my family, and practice sports.
Gal Bodek
Data Analyst

I enjoy diving into complex biological questions using computational and statistical techniques. I am specifically interested in the integration of genomic data and computational methods to study how gene regulatory changes drive human evolution.
In my free time, I enjoy traveling, crafting, and getting lost in a good book. I also like to practice yoga, go for runs, and experiment with cooking (hoping to improve that skill).
Ryder Easterlin
PhD Student

Studying the role of non-coding variation in archaic and modern human evolution, specifically regarding phenotypic divergence between the lineages. Co-advised by Prof. Nadav Ahituv (UCSF).
Some of my favorite things to do outside of the lab are climbing, sailing on San Francisco Bay, and playing strategy boardgames and videogames. Always looking for new passions/hobbies as well!
Nitzan Haim
PhD Student

I'm interested in how changes at the molecular level cause phenotypic changes along evolutionary processes, and understanding the mechanisms that enable evolution to happen in the first place.
I enjoy practicing Yoga, travelling the globe with my partner, and cooking delicious vegetarian food. I also volunteer as a content writer and editor at the non-profit HealthyHer – Feminist Medicine.
Omer Ronen
PhD Student

I’m interested in discovering the role of selection as a driving force for evolution. Excited to use and build statistical models to unravel hidden patterns.
I love watching Israeli football, going to concerts and practicing yoga. Trying to stay sane by reading when taking public transportation.
Noam Priel
PhD Student

I’m interested in the way evolution shaped the human skeleton for bipedalism, walking and running. Combining molecular biology, tissue culture and computational tools to elucidate human-specific expression patterns leading to skeletal morphological changes.
I enjoy traveling, hiking, running and an occasional visit to the gym. Love spending time with the family, cooking vegan meals, and playing with my boy and the dog.
Nachshon Egyes
MSc Student

I am fascinated by the evolutionary processes that governed how humans came to be. By utilizing diverse computational tools, I hope to contribute in bridging the genotype-to-phenotype knowledge gap and deepen our understanding of the human story.
I love to climb mountains and observe the world from above. I also enjoy learning new languages from time to time, reading good novels, and spending time with friends and family.
Nadav Mishol
MSc Student

I am fascinated by the human past – the different forms and ways of life of our predecessors. I’m especially passionate about studying the evolutionary forces that shaped our biology and behavior. I believe that through studying evolutionary genomics we can gain profound insights about ourselves and our place in the world.
I enjoy spending my time with my family and friends. In my spare time you’ll find me taking a walk with my dog, watching Netflix, reading a book, and occasionally participating in an archeological excavation. My favorite thing to do is traveling to new places and seeing new cultures.
Yael Elboim
Lab Assistant

I’m excited to learn about the little things that tie together evolution & genetics and even more excited to contribute to our lab experimental projects. As an undergrad student, I’m especially eager to investigate the behind-the-scenes of research and see how all my theoretical studies manifest in real life.
I love being active and will be found at the gym or climbing at least 3 times a week. If I’m not there, I’ll probably be watching Netflix. I also love to travel and explore new places and adventures, and you’ll never catch me without my music.
Katharina Lange, MSc
Yarden Weiss, MSc
Amit Philosoph, Research Assistant
Guy Hirsch, Lab Manager